5 results

  • Mullion

    A removable vertical substrate separating a door from an adjoining window. The mullion provides a distinguished visual touch to a door set, widening its framing along the wall whilst allowing for a connected window opening to let natural light through. This effect is created with no compromise to the structural integrity of the opening.

  • Transom

    A removable horizontal substrate separating a door from an adjoining window. This addition is the key to visually extending a doorway vertically for aesthetic effect at no compromise to structural integrity. The resultant door set fitted with a transom may be paired with a window opening to let natural light through.

  • Metal Frames

    Non Fire-Rated Metal Frames

    Non-fire-rated frames manufactured from 1.1 mm zinc-coated steel versatile in wall thickness.
  • Metal Frames

    Fire-Rated Metal Frames

    Specially designed fire-rated door frames that work in conjunction with fire-rated doors to create a complete fire-resistant barrier.
  • Timber Door Frames

    Timber door frames designed for quality and durability. A reliable choice for both residential and commercial applications.
Showing 5 of 5