Cavity pocket frames and their use in (wet) areas where required to support ceramic tiles and the like
Cavity pocket frames are concealed units that when sheeted, (visually) become part of the wall system that houses them.
However, that is not to say that the units take the place of the wall and particularly the wall studs / noggins that would ordinarily be present in a finished wall (if a cavity pocket were not present).
Partition (stud) walls are built to meet certain criteria under the national construction code, particularly in relation to gauge of studs / noggins; the spacing (minimum centres) between them; and importantly, and in relation to these two factors, their capacity to support the additional weight of any added cladding, including ceramic tiles / stone, etc.
Cavity pockets, and in particular to this statement, those as manufactured per the Spence Group – Joey timber cavity units, Spence steel cavity units (but also applicable to any pockets manufactured by others, that may be on-supplied per Spence); are manufactured with fixing points for wall sheeting (plasterboard, Villaboard, etc) only; and not manufactured and intended as capable of supporting the weight of such additional cladding - ceramic tiles, stone, etc.
Where such is required, an additional wall, capable of supporting additional weights associated with finishing items - ceramic tiles, etc; is required to be built parallel (in front of) to the cavity wall – this as circumstantiated by the QBBC, per their statement posted 7th March 2019 in relation to this matter -